Friday, 31 May 2013

Free anti-badger cull leaflet/poster to print out.

Please share + print out this free A4 leaflet/poster to hand out at the National March Against The Badger Cull in London on Saturday June 1st 2013. Alternatively, hand it out in your local area or add to an information stall or library display. Please pass it on to other interested parties.

Full quality PDF file available for free download here:

Full quality JPEG file available for free download here:

The root cause of all animal exploitation and abuse is speciesism: The notion that non-human animals are inferior to humans, do not have moral value, and may be used by humans as resources. Until we address this attitude, animals will continue to suffer in their billions by human hands. The lives of animals matter. Reject violence, slavery and injustice: live vegan!