Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Why I am vegan and advocate animal rights. A brief note.

I have a deep respect for non-human animals. They are sentient persons and members of our moral community. I reject violence against animals by not buying any animal product1, or that which has been tested on animals2. I oppose the enslavement, use and killing of non-human persons, so I withdraw my financial support of industries of exploitation. Similarly I do not patronize establishments who confine animals and use them for entertainment purposes3. These trivial and unnecessary practices inflict immense suffering and violate the basic rights of fellow sentient individuals not to be used as things or property. I take the rights of non-human animals seriously and consider humans using them as resources, or for purposes of pleasure, convenience or profit, an immoral violation of these rights. Intelligence or cognitive ability is irrelevant. Sentience is the only necessity for the basic right not to be used in this way.

To regard an individual to be of lesser or no moral value based on a difference in species is known as speciesism. It is the same as when a white-supremacist considers himself morally superior to non-whites, purely because of skin colour(racism); or when a man considers women to be lesser than himself purely based on gender (sexism). It is discrimination based on irrelevant characteristics that do not determine an individual’s moral value.

To be vegan is to reject speciesism and violence. Vegan individuals tend to reject discrimination, violence and exploitation in all its forms, applying the principle of equal consideration to both human and non-human animals in this regard.

I reject welfare reform as I do not wish to regulate slavery and/or support the idea that slavery is acceptable. Slavery in all its forms needs to be abolished. Speciesism needs to be tackled and the property status of non-human animals needs to be ended by the legal implement of the basic right of any sentient individual not to be owned as property. This is what it means to support animal rights. The moral baseline/minimum requirement of respecting non-humans and ending their slavery is to stop using them in our everyday lives. 

This means being vegan.

1(e.g meat, milk, eggs, leather, wool, fur, silk, honey, beeswax, food and non-food products with animal ingredients)
2(e.g household products and cosmetics)
3(e.g circuses, zoos, marine parks)

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